This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Intro to Variant Call Format


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How are genotypes and metadata stored in a VCF?

  • Describe the purpose of FORMAT and INFO fields.

  • Describe what the rows and columns of a VCF represent.

In the setup, you downloaded a compressed VCF file and saved it to your data directory. Depending on your operating system and what you have installed, you may be able to preview it from your “Terminal” tab with the following code. If zless is not available, don’t worry, since everything else we do will happen in R. To quit zless, type q.

zless data/hmp_agpv4_chr1_subset.vcf.bgz
##FILTER=All filters passed
##FORMAT=<ID=AD,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Allelic depths for the reference and alternate alleles in the order listed">
##FORMAT=<ID=GL,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype likelihoods for 0/0, 0/1, 1/1, or  0/0, 0/1, 0/2, 1/1, 1/2, 2/2 if 2 alt alleles">
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
##INFO=<ID=NZ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of taxa with called genotypes">
##INFO=<ID=AD,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Total allelelic depths in order listed starting with REF">
##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Numbers of ALT alleles in order listed">
##INFO=<ID=AQ,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Average phred base quality for alleles in order listed starting with REF">
##INFO=<ID=GN,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Number of taxa with genotypes AA,AB,BB or AA,AB,AC,BB,BC,CC if 2 alt alleles">
##INFO=<ID=HT,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of heterozygotes">
##INFO=<ID=EF,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="EF=het_frequency/(presence_frequency * minor_allele_frequency), if 2 alt alleles,EF for AB,AC,BC pairsis given; from 916 taxa of HapMap 3.1.1">
##INFO=<ID=PV,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="p-value from segregation test between AB or AB, AC, BC if 2 alt alleles, from 916 taxa of HapMap 3.1.1">
##INFO=<ID=MAF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Minor allele frequency">
##INFO=<ID=MAF0,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Minor allele frequency from unimputed HapMap 3.2.1 on 1210 taxa">
##INFO=<ID=IBD1,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="only one allele present in IBD contrasts; based on 916 taxa of HapMap3.1.1">
##INFO=<ID=LLD,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Site in local LD with GBS map (from 916 taxa of HapMap 3.1.1)">
##INFO=<ID=NI5,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Site with 5bp of a putative indel from 916 taxa of HapMap 3.1.1">
##INFO=<ID=INHMP311,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Site peresent in HapMap3.1.1">
##INFO=<ID=ImpHomoAccuracy,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of homozygotes imputed back into homozygotes">
##INFO=<ID=ImpMinorAccuracy,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Fraction of minor allele homozygotes imputed back into minor allelel homozygotes">
##INFO=<ID=DUP,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="Site with heterozygotes frequency > 3%">
#CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO    FORMAT  2005-4  207     32      5023    680     68139   697     75-14gao        764     78004   78551S  792     83IBI3  8982    9058    98F1    B4      B7      B73     B76     B8      B97     BKN009  BKN011  BKN017  BKN018  BKN027  BKN029  C521    CAUMo17 chang69 chang7daxian1   CML103  CML103-run248   CML411  CN104   Co109   CT109   D1139   D20     D23     D801    D857    D892    dai6    DM07    dupl-478        E588    E601    F7584   F939    FR14    fu8538  H114    H84     HD568   hua160  huangchanga     huotanghuang17  Il14H   ji63    K22     Ki11    Ky21    LD61    LH1     LH128   LH190   LH202   LH51    LH60    lian87  liao2204        LP1     luyuan133       Lx9801  M3736   MBUB    Ms71    mu6     N138    N192    N42     NC268   NC358   ning24  ning45  NS501   Oh40B   Pa91    PHG50   PHG83   PHJ31   PHJ75   PHK05   PHM10   PHN11   PHNV9   PHP02   PHR58
   PHT77   PHW17   PHW52   PHWG5   qiong51 R1656   RS710   SC24-1  SG17    shangyin110-1   shen142 SS99    SZ3     tai184  TIL01-JD        TIL03   TIL09   Timpunia-1      VL056883
VL062784        W117    W238    W344    W499    W668    W968    W9706   wenhuang31413   WIL900  wu312   XF117   y9961   yan38   Yd6     ye107   ye8112  yue39-4 yue89A12-1      zhangjin6
      ZEAxppRCODIAAPEI-9      ZEAxppRDLDIAAPEI-2      ZEAxujRBADIAAPE 282set_A556     282set_A619     282set_A634     282set_A654     282set_A659     282set_A661     282set_A679     282set_B103     282set_CH701-30 282set_CI187-2  282set_CI31A    282set_CI64     282set_CM7      282set_CML14    282set_CML154Q  282set_CML254   282set_CML287   282set_GT112    282set_H99
282set_I29      282set_IDS28    282set_Ki21     282set_KY228    282set_MS153    282set_Mt42     282set_NC222    282set_NC264    282set_NC338    282set_NC346    282set_NC360    282set_NC366    282set_OH7B     282set_Os420    282set_Pa875    282set_Sg1533   282set_T232     282set_T234     282set_Tx601    282set_Tzi25    282set_Tzi8     282set_VA102    282set_Va14     282set_Va26     282set_W117Ht   282set_Wf9      german_Mo17     german_Lo11     german_FF0721H-7        german_F03802   german_EZ5
1       21000162        1-20689192      G       T       .       PASS    DP=853;NZ=1203;AD=844,9;AC=14;AQ=34,34;GN=1195,2,6;HT=2;EF=1;PV=0.001;MAF=0.006;MAF0=0.02;IBD1;ImpHomoAccuracy=0.983941605839416;ImpMinorAccuracy=0     GT:AD:GL        0/0::   0/0::   0/0:1,0:0,3,28  0/0:2,0:0,6,55  0/0::   0/0::   0/0::   0/0:1,0:0,3,28  0/0::   0/0::   0/0:6,0:0,18,166        0/0::
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Wow, that’s a lot to look at. What is the information that we have here?

Below is a diagram of the file to make it a bit easier to digest. We have a header, followed by a table of genotypes.

Formatting Rules

The header

We start with a set of lines beginning with ##. Although these lines aren’t the most human-readable, if you start looking at the quoted descriptions you’ll see that the file is “self-documenting”, i.e. there are explanations of what everything means. We have the date the file was made. The genotype is stored in a field called GT. DP stores read depth, and MAF stores minor allele frequency. Many of these are standard fields that are described in the file format specification. Others are custom fields, which is why it’s especially helpful to have descriptions right in the file.

FORMAT fields

We have three fields here tagged as FORMAT: GT, AD, and GL. Anything with the FORMAT tag indicates information that is stored at the genotype level, meaning that this is information available for every sample at every variant.

GT is the genotype. The reference allele is represented by 0, and the first alternate allele is represented by 1. If there are multiple alleles, they are represented by numbers 2 and up. (For SNPs, multiple alleles are rare, but VCF allows any type of variant.) Usually there is a forward slash between alleles, like 0/0 for a homozygote for the reference allele, or 0/1 for a heterozygote. If genotypes are phased, a pipe is used, so genotypes might look like 0|0. Polyploid genotypes are allowed, for example 0/0/0/1 for a tetraploid. Missing data are represented by one period for each allele, for example ./. for diploid data.

AD indicates the sequence read depth for each allele. These are separated by commas. For example, a homozygous genotype 0/0 might have depths of 5,0 indicating five reads of the reference allele and no reads of the alternative allele. A heterozygous genotype 0/1 might have depths of 7,4 to indicate seven reads of the reference allele and four reads of the alternative allele. Having the read depths allows you to re-do the genotype calling and evaluate genotype quality yourself.

GL is genotype likelihood (the probability of the observed read depth distribution, given a genotype), scaled using log10. For a diploid with two alleles, we’ll see three values, one for 0/0, one for 0/1, and one for 1/1. For example above we see 0,9,83, indicating that 0/0 is very likely, 0/1 is unlikely but possible, and 1/1 is extremely unlikely. The reason why there is any uncertainty in the genotype calls is that there could be sequencing error or undersampling of alleles. There are other fields that can define this genotype uncertainty including GP, PL, and PP, described in the file format specification. These values can be useful for analyses such as GWAS that might want to weight genotypes by their certainty.

INFO fields

Here we have quite a lot of fields tagged as INFO. The AC field is described in the file format specification, but all others here are custom. Each INFO field represents a statistic that was calculated for each variant. For example, here MAF contains the minor allele frequency. You might use these fields for filtering markers.

Column headers

After the file header, you should see a row that starts with #CHROM. These are the column headers for the genotype table. The first nine columns are always the same:

After that, there is one column for each sample. In this case the first sample is called 2005-4. There are no other custom columns, so any custom information goes into INFO.

Variant rows

Now, the rest of the file is one row per variant. In the first row we see:

Once we import this data into R, it will be much more accessible. In the next episode we will cover generally how genomic data and experimental results are stored in BioConductor, which will lead into how we can import and manipulate a VCF.


Which FORMAT and INFO fields would you want to use for your analysis, and why? Is there any other information from the VCF that you would use?

Key Points

  • A VCF is a table with samples in columns and SNPs (or other variants) in rows.

  • FORMAT fields contain variant-by-sample data pertaining to genotype calls.

  • INFO fields contain statistics about each variant.